Tallinn Baseball Cup 2012

When: 25.02.2012
Where: Võidu 16, Tallinn, Estonia
Director: Tauno Koppel tel. +372 58500607 tauno.koppel@kiilipantrid.ee
Assistant: Riho Peterson
Coaches meeting will be held on Saturday at 9:00 AM at the Võidu 16, Indoor Soccer field
First game start 09.10 AM.
Official Baseball rules with adjustments valid for minor leagues in CEB with the following additional adjustments: All matches except finals are limited by 50 minutes + completion of a started inning. Finals are limited by 60 minutes + completion. A match can end up in a draw!
*Score = (runs / innings at bat) – (runs received / innings in the field). Team can score max 5 runs in one inning (does not apply for semi-finals and the Finals).
Teams can use both metal and wood bats.
Tournament plays
3 balls for a walk and 2 strikes for an out.
Bunt Attempt: The batter will be automatically out if the second foul ball after the first strike is the result of a bunt attempt. There is no limit on the number of foul balls that the batter may hit by swinging.
Pitching distance: 18,39 meters
Base distance: 27,4 meters
Tournament format and System
6 teams
2 games guaranteed for every team.
2 groups – with 3 teams each. All teams will play 2 games and best teams of groups will play playoff - final and second place teams in groups will play 3 and 4 place.
Standings in a group will be decided on the following basis:
1. More points in total (win: 3 points, draw: 1 point, loss: 0 points)
2. More winnings from mutual face-offs
3. Higher score (see below)*
4. Ballot
Home and Guest are decided depending on the interim standings (first matches) and a ballot (all other matches).
*Score = (runs / innings at bat) – (runs received / innings in the field). Team can score max 5 runs in one inning (does not apply for semi-finals and the Finals).
Balls hard baseballs
Both seniors and juniors are acceptable. All teams must present lineups before the game!
Plate and field umpires: Koit Laasik and Tony Jones.
No scorekeeping – just scoreboard.
All 6 teams are given Cups in a ceremony after the games and Tallinn Baseball Cup travel trophee will be presented to the best Estonian team!
Entry 50 euros